We request you to consider donating $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000 to defray the costs of the event simply click link and do the needful - http://americatogetherfoundation.com/donate/.
Please feel free to call (972) 243-7040 or call Mike Ghouse at (214) 325-1916Please mail your information with the name and web address to UnityDayUSA@gmail.com
- The InterFaith Council of The Thanks-Giving Foundation.
- DFW Sikhs for Inter-religious Engagement
- MCC for Human services
- Dallas Peace Center
- Peacemakers Incorporated
- Universal Peace Federation of Dallas
- Gurudwara Sahib of Houston
- Interfaith Alliance
- City of Desoto
- City of Little Elm
- Carrollton Police Department
- Garland Fire Department
- The Multicultural Alliance of Fort Worth
- Foundation for Pluralism
- World Muslim Congress
- Islamic Association of North Texas
- Cathedral of Hope
- Interfaith Peace Chapel
- Silver Lining Ministry
- Fun Asia
- North Texans for 9/11 Truth
- Academy of Guru Granth Studies -
- Adat Chaverim Synagogue - http://www.adatchaverim.org/
- Adat Chaverim Synagogue - www.adatchaverim.org
- Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam - www.alislam.org
- American Clergy leadership conference
- American Family Coalition
- American Federation of Muslims from India
- American Hindu Association - http://www.americanhindu.net
- American Muslim Forum - www.AmericanMuslimforum.org
- American Muslim Task Force
- Art of Living Foundation - www.artoflivingdfw.org
- Art Spirit - Center for Spirituality - www.artspiritdallas.org
- Bahai Faith http://www.bahaisofdallas.org
- BAPS Swami Narayan Temple of Dallas
- Bohra Muslim Community http://www.malumat.org
- Brahma Kumaris of Dallas - www.bkdallas.org
- Buddhist Community of Dallas
- CAIR - Council on American Islamic Relations - http://www.cairdfw.org
- Center for Global Diplomacy
- Center for Spiritual Living - http://www.csldallas.org
- Chinmaya Mission DFW - www.chinmayasaaket.org
- Congregation Beth Torah - http://www.congregationbethtorah.org/
- D/FW Hindu Temple Society - http://www.dfwhindutemple.org
- Dallas Concilio - www.DallasConcilio.com
- Dallas County Republican Party
- Dallas Masjid Al-Islam
- Department of Justice, Community Relations - http://www.usdoj.gov/crs
- DFW Hindu Temple Society of North Texas - www.Dfwhindutemple.org
- Family federation for world peace
- Federal Bureau of Investigations -www.dallasfbi.gov
- Federation of Jain Centers of North America - www.jaina.org.
- Foundation for Pluralism - www.Foundationforpluralism.com
- Free Muslim Coalition - http://www.freemuslims.org
- Freedom and Justice (F&J) Foundations -www.FreeandJust.org
- Hare Krishna Temple of DFW - http://www.radhakalachandji.com
- Hazara American Welfare Association, Inc.
- IANT - Free Medical Clinic
- ILE Olokun Sanya Awopeju of Texas - http://www.ileolokun.org
- India Association of North Texas - www.iant.org
- Indian Cultural Heritage Foundation - www.ichf-us.org
- Indian Muslim Council - http://www.imc-usa.org
- Institute of Medieval and Post Medieval Studies
- Interfaith center - Dallas, Texas
- International Shinto Foundation- http://shinto.org
- Islamic Association of Carrollton - http://www.carrolltonmasjid.org
- Islamic Association of collin county http://www.planomasjid.org
- Islamic Association of North Texas http://iant.com
- Islamic Association of tarrant County
- Ismaili Muslim Community of North Texas
- Jain Society of North Texas- http://www.dfwjains.org
- Kurdish Human Rights Watch - www.khrw.org
- Lewisville Masjid- http://www.lewisvillemasjid.org
- Madinah Masjid of Carrollton - http://www.madinahmasjid.com
- Masjid Warith Deen Mohammed
- Memnosyne Foundation –
- Muslim Alliance Southwest
- Muslim Community Center
- Muslim Community Center for Human Services www.mcc-hs.org
- National American Muslim Association - www.namaw.com
- National Muslim Events Calendar - www.muslim-calendar.com
- North Texas Hindu Mandir - www.northtexashindumandir.org
- North Texas Islamic Council
- Orbits of Influence - www.orbitsofinfluence.com
- Orthodox Christian Church - www.stsavaplano.com
- Pakistan American Congress
- Pakistan Community Service - www.pakservices.org
- Peace Makers of Dallas
- Plano Indian Lions Club
- Sanctuary for Life - http://www.sanctuaryforlife.org
- Shia Muslim Community ,Momin Center, Irving - http://www.momin.org
- Sikh Study Circle DFW - http://www.Sikhstudy.com
- Sikh Temple of North Texas - http://www.sikhtempledallas.org
- Somanatha Kshetram of North America (SKNA) - WWW.SRISM.ORG/
- Southern Methodist University - SMA
- Sri Shridi Sai Baba Temple of Plano - http://www.Shirdisaidallas.org
- Texas Muslim Womens foundation - http://www.tmwf.org
- The Church of Living God, Oak Cliff
- The Freedom and Justice foundation - www.freeandjust.org
- The National Association Of Muslim American Women
- The Reformed Church of Plano
- Towheed Foundation - http://www.towheed.org
- Tunisian community Center - Mabrouk Badouga
- United Nations Association - Dallas Chapter www.dallas-una.org
- Unity Church of Arlington
- Unity Church of Sachse - www.unityofsachse.org
- Unity walk - Washington DC - www.911unitywalk.org
- UTD Students Government Association
- West Plano Presbyterian Church- http://www.westplanopresbyterian.org
- World Muslim Congress - www.WorldMuslimCongress.com
- Zoroastrian Association of North Texas - http://www.zant.org
Nice Article! Thanks for sharing with us. Indian Spiritual Gurus